Thursday, July 16, 2009


feel lyk wan 2 say sumthg..
bt..when wan 2 say sumthg..
i dun feel lyk to say it out or even wryt..
haih...d outside of lyk oways act normal one..

bt..d truth is ..d
duno how 2 say la.
my heart is lyk feeling sumthg rong..
lyk..feeling no..
feeling drepressed bt oso no.

urgh!! i cnt resist dis kind of feelings anymore..
i'm feeling so abnormal ryt nw..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

17 dys of holidy end!!

after a long tym of holidy..
finally its end.
gotta go back 2 sch agn.
cn meet my frens agn !! =)

3 mths left for my PMB!!
argh!! so stress..
even my computer project havent finish yt..T_T

hw am i gonna seat for my PMB exam...
dere's only 3 mths left..
mati le..~~
my mind nw is lyk a piece of blank paper..

eventhoug nw mind is blank..
i stil wan 2 challenge myself no matter wat.
my life is oways challenging.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

tired..of evryting

dere r so many ting happen 2dy..
i'm reli tired to k abt it...
bt i jz cnt leave it jz lyk dat..
its important though.

i guess my hlidy 4 dis term..
is kind of special somehw..
many mystery n surprise happen.

evryting is kind of puzzled up..
n our sch holidy is being extend due 2 H1N1 disease.. boring at hom gt nthg to do..
lucky dere's sum1 hu chat wit me ^^

nw i'm reli tiring of evryting
hoping to quit out of it.
bt had no choice..
need to solve evryting..
haih..dis is life.