Sunday, September 12, 2010


我不知到..我始在不感在想下去 了....
 *  will continue agn..*

Sunday, August 29, 2010


woke up at 13.00 2day, feel like a pig =="
cuz jz back frm b.s.b laz night 8 00:00
bt i slept at 01.00 am. =O!!!
chat with frens~
i stil cn chat with fens after a tired da...

FEELING LIKE SOME VAMPIRIC CREATURE hu doenst need to sleep at all!
some one even gave me a nick name n guesss wat! its "melena cullen"!!
ryt ==" xDD lol.

bt atlast i stil cn't tahan, i slept! ^^

and 2day...i found a pic! which is nice >.

*the end* tired of typing..gonna try some photoshop edits :p

Friday, June 11, 2010

in love

recently, i've in love with a song..
it inspired me so much..
the song..
whenever i listen to it..

it help me to relex so much,
it gives me motivations to do something.
i cn sensed that, whenever i listen to it,
as if it asking me to do not give up
keep on trying. dere's no use of not trying. not trying means only u fail to urself bt not to d others.
so, kinda give me stength. i dont know y, bt i jz hav dis kind of feeling.
well, it cn keep me asleep 2 ^___________^

the title of the song is is "you raised me up" bt! its in japanese version.
i noe dat many ppl have heard dis song in eng version.
bt,~ when u try to compare to japanese version, you can sense something different from it. =)

To be honest, i don't actually noe dat dis song is available in japanese version, i found dis song out from an animex. called "Romeo X Juliet" i found it in d opening theme song.
ofcourse,i olmost get d "drooling feelings" when i first heard it.~

so yeah it was nice..^__________^
dere;s nothing more i can say.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is my new written poem..
I wrote this in class
on saturday 01 May 2010
wrote this with the feeling of anger..:p

someone made me mad dat day..
n i hate it..
after writing dis poem, i felt abit relief..
cuz all of my anger had olredi express out into dis poem...

Title of the poem : PETRIFIED..
" You're no longer mine
I do know that
You do not need to broke my heart,
Cause you're not suit enough to broke it
And I'm not longer your pet
who you can't command me to dis & dat anymore".
" From now on, I'll not allow u to fill up my heart wit empty words of yours
I cant bear this hurtful feelings anymore
You're just so dramatic and clever
that no even one person know that you're the one hu actually lying".
" I do not need to tell your SECRETS to anyone,
bt one day! IM SURE ABT T!! "
" You'll fall before me"

And dat tym i'll jz ask u,
" what's d matter? ;)
scared? "


Monday, April 5, 2010

Lost in words

..1st term exams
I din even expect i would got such a low marks olmost in evry subject..
now ok,
i understand that, its me myself..
din study well, last minute baru study, ....
now only feel regrets.
its useless.

now wat i've got to do
is hard again,...
concentrate more
wont let anything,that's putting me down in the end
n im sure
IT WONT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN! try to restudy hard again,
evrything turn back to normal..
one my my best fren left..
he changed to another sch, which is
kind of far frm my sch n house.

miss him so much
eventhough, he oways try to play little kids game with me sumtym..
bt i enjoyed the tym with him..
hope we will meet each other again in d future..

bt agn...its another relationship problem -.- hating dis..
a guy in another class of mine..
he likes me.
evry1 had told me abt it..
he try to talk to me sumtym..
im ok with it. cuz we r fren ^^

bt ..what i try to do, is only to concentrate on study dis yr..
bt not any other things that will interupt my study..
bt i'll try to challenge within myself dis tym

I'll try not to be that..unresponsible agn, not to act like a foolish coward,i will try to be stronger than evry1...
especially my enemy----> hate to say dis =="

dis yr i'll challenge what comes infornt of me.
no matter what happen!
so yea!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

new bloooooogs!! ^^

for such a long i dun write a new blog olredi,
since dis ...hmm january??
yea i guess,,
cuz i'd been promoted to sec 4..
so yeah having s really hard tym..dis yr~

now i'd got d tym to start blooging agn cuz im having my holiday rite now..
probably d holidy start just finished my exams..
nvr noe dat my d-maths would d b dat hard..
i'd left so many blankx (i'd a reason ofdis...actually i thought i leave it first, i;ll do it noes our tym limit is only 1 hr! omg...i rushed through evrything blondy ==")
so yeah, maybe i;ll fail in my 1st term exam...
bt i wont get desperate becuz of dis, cuz i will keep on working myself UP!!

well our exams started on last today which was..frm d date of 15.03.2009-18.03.2009 =)
d 2nd when having eng test...i wrote up to over limit agn 525words i wrote up 2...i dont think i'll gain much mark in d eng comp.test..cuz i dont really have ideas...of doin just u noe sudden ideas..
bt anyhow dat dy im happy abit cuz i only have one TEST on dat particular day!yay!! >. on d 3rd day...hmm..i need to study 4 subjects...d most hardest day..=="
exams on combined sci n geography..
4 2day :D happy cuz....keep on scrolling down u'll noe d reason eventually ;)
have test on commerce n p.o.a n guess what
today my left hand almost gone broken !! o.o
cuz of what?!
let me tell u.
commerce we did d whole setion a n pages are 12 pages
for p.o.a. i need to do 17 pages..
urgh..what a rushy day :D
bt anyhw when d clock tick 2 11..o'clock
everyone face turn to a SMILEY FACE!!

N since its holiday i gonna do my fav.things~hehhe
its MUSIC TYM!!!! YO!!!
i found so many nice music,,,when i always go to youtube...
every single lyrics frm a song, sounds sooo nice n touching to me..
cuz dats what i'd experienced frm my life *sobbing with a smile* :D

Let me note down the title of d songs:
1) Magic - Oneway
2) Let it go- Mohombi
3) why r we still fren - unknown singer
4) 爱丫爱丫-BY2
5) 发呆- BY2
6) LOVE like dis -SS501
7) T.T.L- supernova & Tara
8) Heartbeat-2pm
9) Because im stupid- ss501...

So yeah...dis r d songs..i've updated last 2 mths ago :D 9 (in my utube i mean)
...dere r stil tonnes of im lazy to type it out olredi..

So for about mths, i din update my blog...
there's many thing i'd experinced dis yr...
friends problem, relation problem..haihx..
bt now evrything is over! ^^
i'd go back to d normal me agn hehe
d hyper n Happy go lUCKy me agn!! wooootS!!!! >.<~!!!!
im so happy n free now..cuz...feel like all d problems were all buried in d past..n wait await me is in d future awaiting for me to look for dem...
...... ^-^

Saturday, January 2, 2010


can any1 tell me play basketball have any side effects?...
no right?...
it can make us grow taller...
man, i dont noe seriously, i dont understand them anymore...
i ask them to send me to sch to play basketball...
they say "har? if u want to go, ask ur friends to sent u, then ask them to send u bck"
i was lyk WTH!! (WAT THE HEAVEN)
Y Dont u pick me up?..its just my sch!!
ok, now i chg my mind,
there's a basketball court near my house,
so i ask my friend to play there together..
they even reject me!
i feel lyk i own no freedom at all
hey guys, its holiday olredi right??
i noe they want to protect me, cuz im d only gurl there
playing basketball ...
its only a day i play basketball alone (wat i mean is without gurls n wit boy).
bt...i come bck late..(abt 6.45pm)...
i kena marah...
then dun allow mw to go there anymore!
....i was lyk man!! agn?!!
=( i feel lyk to cry now~~........
nothing more...
bt..ppl say dat cry doesnt help u much
bt something it do help me
it help get my anger n sadness out abit...