Thursday, March 18, 2010

new bloooooogs!! ^^

for such a long i dun write a new blog olredi,
since dis ...hmm january??
yea i guess,,
cuz i'd been promoted to sec 4..
so yeah having s really hard tym..dis yr~

now i'd got d tym to start blooging agn cuz im having my holiday rite now..
probably d holidy start just finished my exams..
nvr noe dat my d-maths would d b dat hard..
i'd left so many blankx (i'd a reason ofdis...actually i thought i leave it first, i;ll do it noes our tym limit is only 1 hr! omg...i rushed through evrything blondy ==")
so yeah, maybe i;ll fail in my 1st term exam...
bt i wont get desperate becuz of dis, cuz i will keep on working myself UP!!

well our exams started on last today which was..frm d date of 15.03.2009-18.03.2009 =)
d 2nd when having eng test...i wrote up to over limit agn 525words i wrote up 2...i dont think i'll gain much mark in d eng comp.test..cuz i dont really have ideas...of doin just u noe sudden ideas..
bt anyhow dat dy im happy abit cuz i only have one TEST on dat particular day!yay!! >. on d 3rd day...hmm..i need to study 4 subjects...d most hardest day..=="
exams on combined sci n geography..
4 2day :D happy cuz....keep on scrolling down u'll noe d reason eventually ;)
have test on commerce n p.o.a n guess what
today my left hand almost gone broken !! o.o
cuz of what?!
let me tell u.
commerce we did d whole setion a n pages are 12 pages
for p.o.a. i need to do 17 pages..
urgh..what a rushy day :D
bt anyhw when d clock tick 2 11..o'clock
everyone face turn to a SMILEY FACE!!

N since its holiday i gonna do my fav.things~hehhe
its MUSIC TYM!!!! YO!!!
i found so many nice music,,,when i always go to youtube...
every single lyrics frm a song, sounds sooo nice n touching to me..
cuz dats what i'd experienced frm my life *sobbing with a smile* :D

Let me note down the title of d songs:
1) Magic - Oneway
2) Let it go- Mohombi
3) why r we still fren - unknown singer
4) 爱丫爱丫-BY2
5) 发呆- BY2
6) LOVE like dis -SS501
7) T.T.L- supernova & Tara
8) Heartbeat-2pm
9) Because im stupid- ss501...

So yeah...dis r d songs..i've updated last 2 mths ago :D 9 (in my utube i mean)
...dere r stil tonnes of im lazy to type it out olredi..

So for about mths, i din update my blog...
there's many thing i'd experinced dis yr...
friends problem, relation problem..haihx..
bt now evrything is over! ^^
i'd go back to d normal me agn hehe
d hyper n Happy go lUCKy me agn!! wooootS!!!! >.<~!!!!
im so happy n free now..cuz...feel like all d problems were all buried in d past..n wait await me is in d future awaiting for me to look for dem...
...... ^-^