Friday, June 11, 2010

in love

recently, i've in love with a song..
it inspired me so much..
the song..
whenever i listen to it..

it help me to relex so much,
it gives me motivations to do something.
i cn sensed that, whenever i listen to it,
as if it asking me to do not give up
keep on trying. dere's no use of not trying. not trying means only u fail to urself bt not to d others.
so, kinda give me stength. i dont know y, bt i jz hav dis kind of feeling.
well, it cn keep me asleep 2 ^___________^

the title of the song is is "you raised me up" bt! its in japanese version.
i noe dat many ppl have heard dis song in eng version.
bt,~ when u try to compare to japanese version, you can sense something different from it. =)

To be honest, i don't actually noe dat dis song is available in japanese version, i found dis song out from an animex. called "Romeo X Juliet" i found it in d opening theme song.
ofcourse,i olmost get d "drooling feelings" when i first heard it.~

so yeah it was nice..^__________^
dere;s nothing more i can say.

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