Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my HOLIDAY start frm dis moment...(brunei) day stil counted as half hapi n half ..bad lor.
gd ting is...lucky dat i pass both of my total up stil gt 5o++lar.
n teacher stil say all of us gt improve a little ^^
so after sch me n one of my fren plan 2 say hapi holidy to sumone..mah noe my 1 of my fren keep on pushing me frm d back..
coz dey want me 2 wish 'sum1' a hapi holiday.

dunno y i blush so much.
bt stil gt say to him lar. its a gd ting

when my mum pick me on d way home i told her dat my maths total 2gether stil gt 50+
i thought she gona she "gd lor..atleast u got improve abit" (coz i fail last term T_T)
Bt hu noes she even insult me agn..say " i let u go tution ..u stil gt dis kind of mark...blah...blah.."
wa liao u think ppl wil gt such a gd result in dis short tym meh??
(bt stil a gd advise for me lar ^^)

so..hav a hapy holiday guys ^^

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